S.Yu. Shchyogolev joined the IBPPM RAS in 1981, rising from senior research associate to head of the Laboratory of Immunochemistry (LI) and then to deputy director for research. At the IBPPM RAS, S.Yu. Shchyogolev manages work on state-funded research themes and also work funded with grants from Russian and international science foundations. The research topics are associated with the development of methods for the physical-chemical and immunochemical analyses of biopolymers and cells as applied to the study of the molecular and genetic bases for the relationships between soil microorganisms and plants and as applied to tasks of medical diagnostics. S.Yu. Shchyogolev has authored and coauthored about 300 publications, including papers in refereed journals (100), 8 author's certificates and patents, and 9 guidance manuals.
The novel solutions to inverse optical and thermodynamic problems in spectroturbidimetry and some principles of electro-optical analysis developed by him are used, in particular, in immunochemical and physiological-biochemical studies on a wide range of biopolymer and cell systems. Under the supervision and with the direct involvement of S.Yu. Shchyogolev, effective biotesting systems for microbial and plant cell components were developed that are used to explore the structural organization of the cell surface of soil bacteria and to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for plant-microbe interactions, plant tolerance for adverse environmental factors, and so on.
At the IBPPM RAS laboratory directed by S.Yu. Shchyogolev, fundamental bases and novel techniques for the preparation of biospecific markers (gold nanoparticles conjugated to various biospecific probing molecules) have been developed. These nanostructures are used as labels in light and electron microscopies, solid-phase bio- and immunoassays, and immunochromatography; they serve as effective carriers of antigens and as adjuvants in the raising of antibodies to various low- and high-molecular-weight antigens; and so on. In 2003, the series of papers published in this field by the members of the IBPPM RAS LI in MAIK Nauka journals won a MAIK Nauka Award for Best Publication. S.Yu. Shchyogolev has coauthored Russia's first monograph on this subject (2008) and several papers published in highly rated international journals.
S.Yu. Shchyogolev systematically supervises the work of IBPPM RAS postgraduate students. During the time that his laboratory has existed, its members have defended 10 candidate's and 5 doctor's dissertations. S.Yu. Shchyogolev serves on two dissertation councils (at the IBPPM RAS and SSU); since 2006, he also has been on the RAS Scientific Council for Microbiology.
From 2002 to 2007, S.Yu. Shchyogolev served as deputy director for research at the IBPPM RAS. He was directly responsible for the organization of work on drawing up research plans and reports, informational support for the institute, patent and license activity, international ties, and the provision of research equipment to the IBPPM RAS. He also managed the work of commissions on bonus payments for the institute's members.
S.Yu. Shchyogolev has been active in choosing research themes to be addressed at the IBPPM RAS and in justifying them to gain the approval of the RAS Division of Biological Sciences (DBS). Material from the IBPPM RAS research reports has been systematically included in the RAS-published annual reports, reflecting the main and most important results of the academy's activities, and also in the annual reports of the RAS DBS. With the support of the patent and licensing units of the IBPPM RAS and SSU, the institute's members regularly take out patents for their inventions. The IBPPM RAS realizes active international cooperation, both on a contractual basis and by using grants from various science foundations.
From 1990 to the present, S.Yu. Shchyogolev has also held an office at the SSU, being a professor in the kafedra of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. This kafedra operates as part of the Research and Teaching Center for Physical-Chemical Biology, jointly run by the IBPPM RAS and SSU, which was set up in 1998 with the active involvement of S.Yu. Shchyogolev. He lectures to students, conducts seminar meetings, and supervises the preparation of students' term and diploma papers.
In recognition of his significant scientific and scientific-organizational work, S.Yu. Shchyogolev was awarded the Medal of the Order of Service To The Fatherland 2nd Class.
In December 2007, at the general meeting of the RAS DBS, S.Yu. Shchyogolev was elected director of the IBPPM RAS. His election was confirmed by the RAS Presidium in January 2008.